"Courage is fear that has said its prayers."
I love this saying by Dorothy Bernard. Fear is a normal emotion we all experience to some extent or another at many points through out our lives. How we respond to it... well, have we said our prayers? God is faithful. When Mark lost his job and as the threat of doubt creeps in God says "I will provide and you will grow stronger through this." When my body was feeling strange unexplained nerve tingling the enemy told me I was probably dieing of something terrible. God says "press into me for your security. Only I hold the power of life and death. Trust me daughter." When my child developed diabetes and fear slid along side me, God whispered "I created this precious child. Don't you think I love him more than you ever will? I will watch over him because he is my own." In the dark of the night when my breaths felt hard to take, and the walls seemed to be so much closer, and my heart was racing for reasons I couldn't understand, and the temptation to give in to full on panic was only a blink away, In a loud, confident, and protective voice I am reminded to "Trust in Me with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will make your paths straight." The promise of Proverbs 3:5,6 rings firmly in my heart, reminding me that my God is faithful always and he has provided a way out of every situation through his son, Jesus Christ. In this I rest.
I am happy to report a lot of big praises today.
My Payton and Gavin both made decisions to be baptized yesterday. What a special evening. Along with them were some really truly miraculous decisions to be baptized. Two lives redeemed and won back to the Lord and a heart finally softened to the call of the true savior. Families and friends watched on with joyful tears as we witnessed life choices being made. Thank you Jesus. And Corin, one of my other kids also made a public statement of faith today. It was a blessed evening.
After several weeks of no one looking at their house, Theresa and Roy have had a couple of people just this week. Thank you God for the answered prayer and we continue to ask on their behalf for just the right people to come through and be the ones to buy. Even more importantly, would you be preparing just the right place for them to go next. We know you have it already planned out. Would you continue to give them peace and direction about this next step. Timing is an issue as little Lukas is due to make his grand appearance in the middle of October. Let them be comfortably settled by this point in a place that will more than suit their needs at less than they are hoping to pay. Thank you for being the God of provision.
Our dear
pastor made it home safely from Japan. Pray he gets rested and back on his feet in
US and Canada time and date.
God's provision for our family has been incredible, exciting, and humbling all at the same time. We received an oven from some friends to get us by till we can get one that matches. (cause we all know that is what matters) We continue to receive gifts from both known and unknown sources, including tp which was at the top of the shopping list. I have said it before and I'll say it again, God cares even about toilet paper.
Nick our friends who's job situation has not been the best, was blessed with a new job opportunity which will take their family back to Phoenix. While I am feeling a bit sad at the increased distance again :0) , I rejoice with them knowing this was the desire of their hearts. I pray God would open up the gates of heaven and pour out a bounty of blessing through this new job for Nick and Shawna and their amazing family. Thank you Lord for the new job. Let's pray this move transition back to PHNX goes smoothly and that just the right housing opportunity presents itself.
Dear friends are dealing with an unexpected house fiasco. Walls are torn apart, bugs are being killed and insulation being replaced. God give them unexpected peace and blessing during this messy time. Show them your power and protection in allowing this to take place now rather than in January. Thank you for that. Please give them the financial means to complete the project and the stamina to do it quickly. Bless their hearts Lord.
Our nephew continues with us this next week. Pray that as he is with our family and friends that he would see God in a new way. That his desire for a true and transparent walk with the Lord would be increased. Let's pray that God would be at work in this young man's heart, convicting in areas that need change, filling in the empty places, and healing the wounds that seem deep. Lord create in him a clean heart, and renew a right spirit. Thank you for giving us this time with him to get to know him in a different way and be more urgent in our prayers and specific in our battling for him. This child belongs to you God. Help us fight for his heart together.
The dear friend with the neck cancer continues in her fight to heal. Four times a day she has to remove and replace the burn cream from her neck herself. It must be excruciatingly painful and yet she has chosen to do it without the medication because of the way it makes her feel. There is a potential for a different treatment that would only have to be done every three days. Pray that this would be something she is able to try and finds that it is even more effective than her current treatment cream. Lord continue to hold this precious daughter in your hand and comfort her with your words to her heart.
An update on Cyrus - He begins his chemo and radiation today. It is scheduled for 5 days a week for 6 weeks. They are asking for prayer that he would make it through with out nausea or seizures and continued prayer for healing. He will receive his treatment there in Boise. A huge praise is that Jonie is not feeling the anxiety or despair any longer. God has delivered her from this and we rejoice as she rejoices. The victory belongs to the Lord and we Praise God with them in the battle won. Continue to lift them up as they begin this new phase. Our God is the God of miracles and he is still in that business. Lord this man, this family needs one of your miracles.
Stephanie - Her last cancer treatment caused a similar reaction to the first one. She is feeling very discouraged and down hearted. We have seen you God remove completely from another sister in Christ the fear and discouragement the enemy would hope for her to be drowning in, God please do this again for Stephanie. Put a song in her heart and an unexplainable smile on her face. Allow her the opportunity to sit and enjoy her children this week just because she can. Give Damie the strength to be what he is having to be right now. Calm his fears, increase the effectiveness of his sleep time, put a love for his wife and family in his heart that drives him straight towards that finish line with fervor. Protect this precious family of yours Lord God. Make your face to shine upon them. Let the glory of you Lord shine around them.
A friend would like prayer for family, both her husband and her side. One side knows the Lord, one doesn't really. Pray that as they live their lives to please you Lord, your love would shine through. That they would see something different and alive and desire that same presence and power of the Holy Spirit living in them.
A dear neighbor has been battling cancer for the last 11 months and had been told at the time that she has 11 months to live. She has a 2 year old little guy and a husband. She is an Indian gal but has contact with a lot of believers. Let us pray that God would soften and open this young women's heart to the saving knowledge of the gospel of Jesus. Allow for opportunities to be numerous for her to hear this message and for her to be drawn to it undeniably.
Mark has begun to receive his unemployment and continues to look for a job. Continue to pray that he would be constantly drawing closer to God, finding his true identity in Christ and his security in our Savior. I pray to Word of God would come alive to him now more than ever before. I believe God is trying to call him up and the enemy will use all sorts of tactics to drag him down including loss of a job. Let him be confident in Jehovah Jirah, our provider.
I pray God would bless all who read this and take the time to lift up fellow believers in the Lord, intercede on behalf of the fallen, and reach out in prayer for the lost.