I was lucky enough to overhear a quick little conversation between Payton and her best friend. They weren't paying attention to anything or anyone around them. They were in the moment of being together and being friends. A simple pure comment stood out. It was said in matter of fact faith. "We are going to be best
friends forever and when we are in heaven too." This wasn't a question or a goal it was a statement of fact. Of faith. You need to understand one more thing about these two little girls when they are together. Their exuberance for just being is explosive, like a Romanian Poppy. These flowers look like they just couldn't wait to burst open and declare the glory of the Lord. A giant percussion of petals and color. This is Payton and her little friend.
Observing this little moment caused me to question my passion for pure faith. Do I explode with hope for the friendships I will still have in heaven? Do I exude pure joy about the prospect of heaven at all? or do I, in uncertainty, sit back and hope the conversation moves to something I can grasp a little bit more tangibly like the evidence of Christ in my life. Sadly, I have to confess that this is something I struggle with but am leaning on my patient savior to work this unknown out in my heart. How about you? Is there an area of your life where you could use a bit more of this pure childlike faith?
RequestsThere are several people recovering from major surgeries. Let's keep each of them in our prayers this week.
Stephanie - mastectomy
Vonnie - mastectomy
Kellie - mouth cancer
Shirley - gall bladder
A young man with young son is really making poor choices. He has given his heart to the Lord, said he wants to walk a new life and yet is being constantly pulled back down the old roads. Let's just pray the Lord would rock him to his core and show himself as the only true source of life and all he needs to really live.
A sweet young friend is having tummy troubles. She has had and is having lots of test to determine the causes but they have come up with nothing yet. She has a upper GI x-ray tomorrow morning. Let us pray God reveals the problem area to the Dr.'s and they are able to help this young thing live a long and healthy life without these problems.
Theresa - She is to be induced next week to have their second little guy, and my precious nephew, Lukas. God hold this family in the palm of your hand and make it a beautiful and uneventful delivery that they can remember with joy and not fear. Thank you for a healthy life for Levi now. We praise you for this sweet and joyful little guy.
They are also waiting to hear some decisions from the bank on their property. Lord just continue to direct the timing of this whole process so that it perfectly coincides with your plan for their future.
A son who has walked away from the Lord needs to come home. God guide him and his wife back to you. Lovingly bring them back to your heart and first love.
Kristy - She is having health problems that are effecting her pregnancy, namely asthma and gestational diabetes. Lord I pray that you would breathe your perfect breath of life into Kristy's lungs and remove the asthma so the medicines are no longer a problem which will allow the diabetes numbers to come back down and stay manageable. I ask too that after this little guy is born her pancreas would begin to work properly again so that she doesn't have to fuss with the diabetes. We know you are holding both of these dear ones in your very hand, allow them all to feel your presence as they press on to the time of this delivery. Please keep this baby boy a deliverable size.
I received a request for a "friend" who has to remain anonymous for security reasons. He his a missionary and is heading to Columbia for U.N. business. He works for the International Atomic Energy Agency of the U.N. He is being targeted by local drug cartels. They believe he has intellectual capital that could be sold or that his computer has information that could be taken and sold. His safety is in jeopardy. Lord God surround this friend with your Shekinah glory. Protect super naturally and allow your will to be carried out.
Doug and Jan are missionaries in Eastern Europe with Child Evangelism Fellowship. Their Austrian visas of 20 years have been unexpectedly and inexplicably revoked. Let's ask God to intervene and push their visas through so they can continue their work for God in the school in Vienna.
While Stephanie is still in the healing phase, she has received a very favorable report from the Dr.'s that the cancer is 95% gone from the tissue that they had removed, so with all the tissue having been removed, she should be completely cancer free. Her body responded well to the chemo and radiation treatments. Praise God for this miracle. Let's keep her tender heart and emotions in our prayers as she begins to adjust to her new body. Give her complete confidence in who she is in Christ ALONE!
Mark had two really good interviews this week. One job in particular would be really great. Lets pray as my friend prayed, that Mark's name would rise favorably to the top of the list if this is to be his next season of employment.
We continue to thank God for his provision for our family. It is amazing how much he loves us. He provides even little things that might seem like splurges at the moment. Yet God has seen fit to give us these little gifts along this weird rode. Thank you Lord for seeing our family and actively blessing us.