My oncologist suggested that I start seeing if my hair would growing back after 7-8 treatments of the Taxol. I have been diligently watching. Around 7-8 it did start showing signs of coming back, but it was pretty splotchy and I am sorry, but I am just not going there. So I continued to shave it. Three weeks ago it was lookin pretty full except for the sides so I opted for one more shave and then I would let it grow. We started to document the regrowth. Here are a few of the pics to show the regrowth progress. It is funny because it is so soft. It really feels like new baby hair and so far it seems darker than before. It's kinda fun cause who knows what I will look like with the new locks or how long it will take them to fully grow in. This shows day one, about a week in, a week and a half and then two weeks. So, I think you get the idea. It's coming back!!!
I had a very sweet little story to share. Last week, we had a birthday party at Hovander for Miss Payton. While we were there, a little girl about 9-10 was riding around the park on her bicycle. She rode up to me and said, "I like your hair." I smiled a little suprised and said thank you. She said, "I know you don't have very much, but it looks pretty on you." I was very touched by her sweet comment and frankness. People have been very kind about my baldness, but I don't think any comment has touched me as much as this one. I am not even sure if I can explain why. It may have been the simple fact that it was spoken from her heart. There was no mortified parent around to correct her and no one around to coach her on bald woman etiquette. It made me smile from the inside out. It was also a great reminder for me to go out of my way to speak kind words to others. You just never know how much it may impact someone else.